St Joseph's Catholic Primary School

  1. News
  2. Y1
  3. Pyjamas Day

Pyjamas Day

16 October 2019 (by admin)

Pyjamas Day - Friday 18th October

On Friday 18th October the children in Y1 and Y2, (Maple, Willow & Rowan Class) can come to school in their pyjamas.  This is a treat due to their brilliant work and achievements this first half term.  

The day will consist of lots of reading throughout the day.  We will link wearing pyjamas to our topic 'Into the Woods' talking about the clocks going back and the darker, longer nights as we continue in the autumn season and go into winter.

We are so proud of how far the children have come this first half term and the amazing friendships they have developed in the mixed Year 1/2 year groups.

Thank you so much for your continued help and support.