Welcome to Saint Joseph's Catholic Primary School and our unique school community.
Things to know about Hazel Class!
Mrs Julie McGovern - Class Teacher
Mrs Slater - Teaching Assistant
Mrs Shaban - Lunchtime Supervisor
Mrs Wilson - PPA cover (Tuesday PM)
If you do have any questions then please get in touch. My email address is julie.mcgovern@sjk.bcwcat.co.uk - alternatively I am around most days both before and after school.
Our Class Saint is St. Ambrose and our Class Virtue is Patience.
Our Learning
In Hazel class we aim for the children to be happy and confident in all that they do. We aim for the children to thrive in learning and friendship and love coming to school each day. Everyday is an opportunity to learn and develop as we try to be the best that we can be. We believe in ourselves, celebrate our differences and encourage each other everyday. We are all part of the Hazel Class family.
In Hazel Class, wellbeing is very important and we aim to nurture friendships within our children endeavouring to teach them how to Believe in God, ourselves and others. This is strengthened by showing them how to live by the Virtues. We want to encourage curiosity about the world around us and grow their independence. Our classroom environment is neutral having natural light, lots of wooden resources and fairy lights and lamps to help to create a calm and cosy space. We strive to show children the importance of stories and story telling. We learn through exploration, talk and team work. Our class Hazel family is very important to us all and we want to achieve for others and ourselves.
Throughout the year we plan lots of exciting trips and learning opportunities, which engage the children in their learning and ensure they have the #bestdaysoftheirlives. These WOW moments inspire the children's conversation , enthusiasm and a quest for learning! Please follow us on Twitter @stjosephskly where we will show you some of their daily learning and follow our lovely class #SJKHazelClass.
Yearly Overview 2023- 2024
Autumn 1 Knowledge Organiser
Autumn 2
Knowledge Organiser
Spring 1
Knowledge Organiser
Spring 2
Knowledge Organiser
Summer 1
Knowledge Organiser
Summer 2
Knowledge Organiser