St Joseph's Catholic Primary School

Year 5 Yew Class

Things to know about Yew class:

Mrs Jalil - Class teacher

Mrs Haste - Teaching assistant

Mrs Higgins - Teaching assistant

  • Year 6 PE day is Wednesday. The children will need plain black jogging bottoms or shorts, a white t-shirt and jumper and they will also need pumps or trainers.
  • Year 5 swimming lessons are Wednesday mornings. Please ensure children bring swimming costumes/shorts, do not bring or wear jewellery and that hair is tied back.
  • Please read with your child as regularly as possible. The more practise they have, the more confident and fluent your child will become.
  • Spelling shed can be used to practise spellings and TT rockstars can be used to practise times tables.
  • Takeaway homework will be given out every half term based on our history or geography topic.
  • If you would like your child to have a school water bottle, they are 40p each.

If you do have any questions then please get in touch. My email address is alternatively I am around most days both before and after school.

Our class saint is St Cuthbert and our class virtue is Courage

Our Learning


In Yew, class we desire for our children to be safe and happy, as well as being excited and challenged by their learning. We provide an environment where each child can strive to be the best they can be. The curriculum topics are organised and planned to enable pupils to demonstrate progression of skills built on from previous years, as well as allowing the opportunity to teach and learn new subject knowledge.

The topics that will be taught this year in Yew show a full coverage of the National Curriculum as well as providing learning opportunities that will capture the creativity and imagination of our children. It is through these topics we endeavour to Believe in God, ourselves and others.


Autumn Newsletters

Ancient Greece Takeaway Homework

World War 2 Takeaway Homework

History - Ancient Greece knowledge organiser

Science - Living things and their habitats knowledge organiser

Science -  Animals including humans knowledge organiser

World War 2 knowledge organiser
