We take safeguarding very seriously at St. Joseph's. Our Designated Safeguarding Lead is Mr Andrew Arnold. Mr Devlin, Mrs Coventry, Mr Palmer, Miss Wild and Mrs Wilson are also fully trained. Mrs DeMatteis and Mr N. Watson are the named governors for Safeguarding. Please contact us at school straight away if you have any worries about children's safeguarding. Some of the policies and documents on this page may be helpful.
Signs and Symptoms of Potential Abuse
We expect all members of our school community to remain vigilant to the signs and symptoms of potential abuse and report any concerns to our Designated Safeguarding Leads. There are 4 main categories of abuse to be aware of;
In addition to these 4 areas, the following Safeguarding issues are also high on our agenda;
For further information on this, please see below.
Click on the link to see named person for each role and responsibilities - safeguarding school role.pdf
Our policies - To view any of these policies, click on the links below or enquire with the school office who will be happy to give you a copy.
Safeguarding & Child Protection Policy 2023
Staff and adults safeguarding handbook
Child friendly Safeguarding policy St Joseph's 2023
Recruitment and selection policy
Low level concerns against staff policy
Outside Visitors and Agencies Policy
Below are links to documents that are relevant for safeguarding children.
KCSIE 2023- Keeping children safe in Education.
Working Together to Safeguard children 2018
Statutory framework for Early Years Foundation Stage 2021
Sexual Violence and Sexual harassment between children in schools and colleges 2021
What to do if you're worried a child is being abused
Disqualification under the Childcare Act
Preventing and tackling bullying advice
Bradford Safeguarding website link
UKCCIS Responding to Incidents and Safeguarding Young People (Sexting)